Six Weeks Old

Alex is becoming much more alert during the daytime -- looking around, staring at patterned toys and touching the fabric texture on the sides of his bassinet. Every once in a while he makes a cooing noise, and we think we've coaxed a smile out of him a couple times.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame ... it's hard to eat peanuts and crackerjacks when you don't have any teeth yet.

Falling asleep in the rocking chair.

"Alright, who's the wiseguy who gave me this spike hairdo?"
Listen to Alex cry (.WAV file 395k)

Growing like a weed (Leanne's hand for comparison).

Alex bats at the toys hanging from his activity gym.

We think it's a smile. It's hard to tell sometimes.

Nestled on his mommy's shoulder.

Chubby Cheeks.