Four Months Old

Alex is beginning to roll! He can turn from his back to his side now, and practices it every chance he can get, even in his sleep. So far, he's only rolling on his right side, but he's working really hard at figuring out the left.

This past week, Alex has also learned how to grab. The little thief takes food off of plates, money out of wallets and even yanked Matt's glasses off his head the other day!

He's getting very social, too. When Leanne goes shopping, Alex likes smiling at passers-by and flirting with cashiers from the comfort of his new forward-facing carrier. Everywhere he goes, folks comment on how big he is (just over 17 lbs. now!) and how alert and happy he seems.

Other new developments: Smiling and cooing at himself in the mirror, kicking things, rubbing his eyes when he's sleepy, playing with the snaps on his clothes, getting excited about being fed, giggling and squirming when tickled, and sleeping for 7 hours straight a couple nights per week.

Little charmer.

Alex shows off how he can roll.

Strapped into his new frontpack.

If Alex's cheeks get any chubbier, he's going to need a second neck to support it all.

Working on standing.

Ewwwww! Wet dog nose.
(See Buford's newly updated page here.)

In Matt's office chair.

In Leanne's rocking chair.