Three and a Half Months Old

Alex has had a busy couple of weeks. He's attended two birthday parties and will soon get to see his first fireworks display. He also was babysat for a couple hours for the first time, which was probably harder on his mom than on him (he mostly slept).

Alex sits propped up very well now, and is getting a lot better at standing with support. He's also embarked on the long stage of investigating the world through his mouth. Anything that gets within a couple inches of his face is liable to be drooled on and licked. He has a particular fondness for his car seat harness, which he gnaws on with great interest.

He's not rolling over quite yet, but he is mobile in his own way. Very often, he'll wiggle 90 degrees to his right while napping, and wake up completely sideways with his little feet sticking through the crib bars.

Riding along in the sling.

Hanging out with his dad.

Burp. Smile.

Alex relaxes in his bassinet, playing with his links.

"Look, Ma. I'm standing!"

Surprised by the sound of the camera shutter.

"Hey, gimme your finger. I wanna drool on it".

The ultimate reflective surface -- Alex's little bald forehead.