Eleven Months Old

Alex has done so much growing and changing this month as he approaches toddlerhood. He can stand alone for just a couple seconds, usually because he forgot where his hands were or because we "tricked" him into it. He also walks quite well by holding onto his lightweight high chair and scooting it across the room as he goes. He pulls himself up using our legs, but still won't accept people's hands as a support, like many babies do.

We've come to the conclusion that Alex is saying a few words, just not very consistently. He says "mamamamama" and "dadadadada" a lot (not always to the correct person, though), mostly when he's tired, hungry, bored or just wants to sit in our laps. Earlier in the month, he was repeating the word "no" whenever he heard us say it, and lately his favorite word to repeat has been "uh-oh."

Perhaps the greatest change has been the blossoming of his personality. He has definite opinions and he lets us know. When he's frustrated (stuck behind furniture) or angry (someone took a potentially dangerous object away from him) or excited (food just appeared on his high chair), his "voice" reflects that, even though he can't say the words yet.

In related news, Alex has completely rejected his crib. After returning from the U.S., he wouldn't sleep any longer than an hour at a time in it, even at night. So, we've made him a soft Asian-style futon bed on the floor in his room -- and he loves it! He wakes only once in the night now, from hunger, and has been sleeping longer hours than he ever did.

Other developments: Seventh tooth broke through, first major haircut, learned how to open cabinets, really enjoys taking baths now, giggles while playing tug-of-war with Buford, weighs slightly over 21 lbs., occasionally dances to music, cries for a second when an interesting visitor leaves, and has learned how to get off of the couch or bed by grabbing onto someone and slowly easing his legs backward over the side.

New haircut: before and after.

Reading a book with Matt.

King of the Mountain ... or at least of the plastic storage bin.

Hanging out with Leanne.

Caught red-handed in the dog food again and being removed from the scene of the crime.

Alex shows off his pearly whites.

"Forget the piano; there's a camera over there!"

He's in his pajamas, but nowhere near sleepy yet.